January 27, 2014

Kahane warned against trusting Sharon ....

Rabbi Meir Kahane HY"D

“Let those who rush to dinners for him at the chic glatt kosher nightclubs or those who through him vicariously live their ‘tough Jewish’ life, remember this. He is a man who is a great general but one who knows little and cares less about Jewish concepts and discipline. Tomorrow he is capable of the most incredible and dangerous turnabouts. And that time the donkeys will bray: How could he have deceived us so? And then they will find themselves another hero.”

Read more at: http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/rabbi-kahane-warned-against-trusting-sharon/2014/01/08/
“Let those who rush to dinners for him at the chic glatt kosher nightclubs or those who through him vicariously live their ‘tough Jewish’ life, remember this. He is a man who is a great general but one who knows little and cares less about Jewish concepts and discipline. Tomorrow he is capable of the most incredible and dangerous turnabouts. And that time the donkeys will bray: How could he have deceived us so? And then they will find themselves another hero.”

Trusting Sharon - Read More

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