July 25, 2012

The Olympics are a symptom of the Sick Gentile World We Live In...

I at times thought that I didn't like the Olympics because of the Russian paid athletes competing as Amateurs or the German Men taking hormones to compete to win as women....but no...those were never the reason.

The reason was 1972 and the Germans ...just being Germans. They knew that the world cared not for Jews and acted like it. With their indifference to the sensitivity of the 40 year Hitler games...their indifference to security issues for Israel, their indifference to dead Jews at the Olympics.....

Germany will be judged and for me, it should have divided, dispersed and not allowed to attempt to function as a member of a world community.

The concept that Israel works with Abu Mazen 
(http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/Abbas.html)  is just maddening.

They didn't care, they don't care and you can be sure like the Polish and Austrians...they have taught their children the same as their sick parents....

Judge and be Judged.....May Hashem take care of all of them!

Boycott the fraudulent Olympic Games...now and forever!


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