June 4, 2010

A Jewish Analysis Paul Eidelberg

 We don’t need brilliant political analysis to reveal the obvious: that Israel’s government consists of cretins and cravens.  We’ve known this since Moshe Dayan, with the unanimous approval of Israel’s government, started the process of undoing the miracle of the Six-Day War by giving the Arabs control of the Temple Mount, the holiest site of the Jewish people.  The government thereby desecrated the Name of God on the one hand, and dignified Islam on the other.

In dignifying Islam, Israel’s government painted itself in the corner: it could say nothing of the evil character and genocidal designs of the enemy.  Hence, we can appreciate a pundit who now urges Israel’s government to tell the truth about this enemy.  But there is another truth that needs exposure, namely, that Israel’s greatest enemy is its own government!

By undoing the miracle of the Six-Day War via the policy of “territory for peace,” Israel’s government has been pursuing a policy of treason—and not merely moral treason.  I say this because the policy of “territory for peace” actually violates Israeli statutes governing treason. In other words, and as attorney Howard Grief has exhaustively shown, Israel’s government—including its Supreme Court—has betrayed the birthright of the Jewish people. 

This means that Israel’s government has betrayed God and the Sinai Covenant.  By so doing it has renounced the only justification for the Jewish state.  The only solid justification for the existence of the State of Israel is the Torah.  This is not a political conclusion but a Jewish conclusion based on reason and logic. In rejecting this Jewish conclusion, Israel’s ruling elites have succumbed to stupidity and self-abasement. 

This stupidity and self-abasement is exemplified by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ardent desire to negotiate with Muslims dedicated to Israel’s annihilation.  To negotiate with these enemies of civilization is pathological or symptomatic of a terminal disease.  Only an idiot or a madman would deal with those committed to his destruction.

No one should know this better than Jews whose history is punctuated by the envious and murderous hatred of the non-Jewish world—especially of Muslims. 

Thus, by abandoning God and the Torah, the source of Jewish wisdom and loftiness, Israel’s government has become foolish and ignominious.  Isn’t this obvious?

Moreover, it’s precisely the function of Israel’s enemies to make Israel look ignominious, for that facilitates and perpetuates their own and ignoble and mendacious character.  Political analysis obscures the meaning of history, that Israel represents the God-given truth at Sinai.  This truth exposes the lies and idolatry and complacency of mankind.  Israel makes people feel uncomfortable and even lowly.   People want to feel good about themselves, and one way of doing this is by scapegoating others.  So Israel has served as the scapegoat of mankind—it’s called “anti-Semitism.”

Israel is not going to be redeemed by brilliant political analysis. Indeed, the latter may make a lot of people—pundits and politicians—“politically correct.”  No, we need Jewish analysis on the one hand, and Torah-inspired statesmanship on the other.  Israel needs a war strategy based on Torah principles, including the principle: “Those who come to kill you, kill them first.”

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