June 10, 2009

US, Mitchell, Arabs all Racist!

The USA, BHO and George Mitchell are offering to exchange Israeli and Arab Population Centers in Judea and Samaria. They think that will solve some nonsensical mythical land issue.

As usual, people with no understanding of the ME and it's history stick their nose in the ME. This latest set of uninformed morons don't understand that there is no land for peace. There is no land for peace. The land is 100% irrelevant!

If there was a terrorist Arab state created next to Israel, it would have to be Jew free. Why is Israel not Arab free? Why can't the Arab terrorists that live in Israel simply be citizens of Israel. Why can't the Arab terrorists in Gaza declare there terrorist State and move on ...Jew free.

Jews are not allowed to live in Arab Countries, yet Arabs are allowed in Israel...Why?

If Judea and Samaria are given to Jordan, Saudi etc.....then all the Jews will have to move out or be killed.

If Israel annexs Gaza, Judea or Samaria the Arabs would not have to move out...Why?

We Jewish Americans just don't get it!
Amercian Jews may...

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