April 24, 2009

When is it time to go, when will it be to late?

How many factors make us nervous, our "complete" acceptance in American society or the Anti-Semitism that is very visible in the US.

Are the bulk of US citizens racists or not? By nature they are...

Don't xtains only want to proselytize. Of course they do...except for the Reform xtians!

A Seder in the White House attended by a Green President that wants a 2 State solution and he wants it now .. Obama's choices offered are:

1) if by Annapolis or

2) if by the road map

3) if Israel simply commits suicide and by granting the fraudulent right of return to the Mohammedans.

We have been expelled by many friendly countries over the years.
The list is long and Israel is the only place...the only place for us!

Does anyone think that this modern day roman empire will last forever?
Do they also believe that Jews will be welcome til the end and then will Jews be welcome after the fall.

Will the USA morph or fall?


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